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rellda.tex (725B)

      1 \begin{algorithmic}
      2 	\Function{Rel-\textsc{lda} Generation}{}
      3 		\FunctionInputs{} \(\alpha\) relations hyperprior
      4 		\FunctionInputs*{} \(\beta\) features hyperprior
      5 		\FunctionOutput{} \(\mtrx{F}\) observed features
      6 		\State
      7 		\ForAll{relations \(r\)}
      8 			\ForAll{features \(j\)}
      9 				\State Choose \(\phi_{rj}\sim\operatorname{Dir}(\beta)\)
     10 			\EndFor
     11 		\EndFor
     12 		\ForAll{documents \(d\)}
     13 			\State Choose \(\theta_d\sim\operatorname{Dir}(\alpha)\)
     14 			\ForAll{samples \(i\) in \(d\)}
     15 				\State Choose \(r\sim\operatorname{Cat}(\theta_d)\)
     16 				\ForAll{features \(j\)}
     17 					\State Choose \(f_{ij}\sim\operatorname{Cat}(\phi_{rj})\)
     18 				\EndFor
     19 			\EndFor
     20 		\EndFor
     21 		\State \Output \(\mtrx{F}\)
     22 	\EndFunction
     23 \end{algorithmic}